1 to 1 Services for Everyone | George House Trust

Monthly sessions will be held where African men will benefit from different kinds of support, including HIV-related, interpersonal (physical and psychosocial), economic, learning, and answers to deep-seated questions and burning issues.


This time we have decided to make it more exciting and dynamic with empowering activities, social events, health and wellbeing sessions, indoor and outdoor activities, skills-based training and opportunities to build your skills and confidence with volunteering possibilities.

Our Skilling Up Coordinator, Nick Henshaw, can offer you 1 to 1 support and coaching sessions which are tailored to your needs and move at your pace. Group workshops will be available where you can learn in a safe environment; guest speakers will be teaching job specific skills and be on-hand to answer any questions to help overcome the barriers you may have faced when seeking employment. Nick will provide you with guidance to explore education and personal development courses – at any level.


Money And Debt Support

We are continuing to provide Money and Debt Support.


Our Money and Debt adviser, Lee, will carry out a detailed assessment of your budget and help you make the most of your money.  This can include help on switching gas and electric companies to get a cheaper deal or getting a better deal on your phone.


Peer mentoring is a form of mentorship that takes place between a person who has lived through a specific experience and a person who is new to that experience or requires additional support.


It is a relationship based on mutual learning and growth, with the aim of supporting people to achieve a sense of control and empowerment. 


We are currently providing peer mentoring in Greater Manchester and the city of Liverpool.


Who are Peer Mentors?


If you would like to access counselling please contact us on 0161 274 4499 or talk@ght.org.uk and a services adviser will help you identify a suitable counselling service.




We currently offer one to one appointments as well as appointments by phone.


We are providing one to one support, advice and information by phone or online – all you need to do is email talk@ght.org.uk or call 0161 274 4499. One of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.


We can offer one to one appointments as well as appointments by phone.


At George House Trust we offer 1 to 1 services for everyone and as someone living with HIV, you can talk to an adviser on any issue that may concern you and they will advise, signpost or advocate on your behalf.


Living with HIV? Want to talk to us?
Call 0161 274 4499 or email: talk@ght.org.uk