Healthy Eating

If you are diagnosed with HIV it is much better for your longer term health to think about ways of maintaining generally good levels of health. This can include things like not smoking, cutting down on alcohol intake and eating healthily.


The dietary guidance for someone living with HIV is more or less the same as for anyone else. It is important to keep an eye on your cholesterol so cutting down on processed meats, fats and sugars could be beneficial.


It is also important to have a balanced diet that includes the main food groups to include carbohydrates, protein and dietary fibre as well as limited amounts of fats, and in particular saturated fats.


If you have concerns about your diet, or smoking and alcohol intake, then you could speak to your GP.


During your HIV appointments, you will have your cholesterol measured, and if there are any concerns, this will be flagged up immediately.  You can ask your HIV consultant about this.

Living with HIV? Want to talk to us?
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