
Positively Speaking Volunteer
To raise awareness of the facts about HIV, the experiences of people living with HIV and to challenge stigma through sharing your personal experience in a range of settings.

Group Events Support Volunteer
To provide practical support to ensure that our groups and sessions are well organised, welcoming and inclusive, for those who attend.

To provide transport for people living with HIV who are unable to travel to and from appointments.

Advice Support Volunteer
To provide a confident, warm and professional welcome to all Service Users, volunteers, collaborative professionals, guests, and maintenance contractors who visit in person or telephone.To assist the Services Team with administration tasks and projects to facilitate the smooth operation of...

Financial Applications Support Volunteer
To help reduce poverty and financial hardship for service users at George House Trust through the completion of financial applications on behalf of individuals.To support with various administrative tasks and projects as appropriate.

Peer Mentor
To provide peer mentoring to people living with HIV as part of the Better Together Project. Better Together is a five year project that is funded by the Big Lottery Fund.We will train a number of peer mentors, with the...

Telephone Buddy
To provide support to people living with HIV who are experiencing social isolation and a desire to feel more connected to the local community.

World AIDS Day Volunteer
To increase awareness of HIV and raise vital funds for local charities providing support to people living with HIV.

Raising HIV Awareness Volunteer
Events play a huge role in challenging HIV stigma and raising awareness of HIV and the work of George House Trust, as well as essential community fundraising.This role involves supporting these events and increasing the impact and profile of George...

Gardening & Outdoor Space
Assisting with the maintenance and development of the front garden and back area at George House Trust. This is a new role so volunteers will assist in shaping and developing the outdoor space to make our building more user-friendly and inviting.

Income Generation Support Volunteer
To ensure that anyone who makes a donation to George House Trust is acknowledged and thanked.This role is vital in ensuring that our supporters feel valued and thanked and understand the difference that their donation has made to the work...

Aging Well Volunteer
As an Age+ Volunteer, you’ll be supporting the design and delivery of HIV awareness training in residential care homes across Greater Manchester.The purpose of the role is to ensure social care providers properly understand HIV so they can work confidently...

Calabash Volunteer
To provide support to the Calabash project co-ordinator with the organisation and delivery of monthly activities and social events for African men.

Formula Milk Volunteer
To provide administrative support to the George House Trust Formula Milk Project and ensure that new mothers living with HIV have sterilisation equipment and a choice of formula milk for the first 12 months of their child's life.As a Formula...

'Skilling Up' Work Mentor
To provide professional advice and guidance to people living with HIV who are actively seeking employment.You will volunteer on a one-to-one basis to develop skills and empower people to feel confident about entering the job market.

'Talking HIV' Peer Co-Facilitator
To co-facilitate our new Saturday ‘Talking HIV’ discussion group alongside a member of staff.

HIV Awareness Training Support
To provide admin support to our HIV awareness raising projects by collating and utilising participant feedback from training sessions, supporting the administration of the HIV Beauty Campaign and increasing awareness of the George House Trust Positive Speaker sessions and other...
Get in touch
Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.
Not sure where to start?
Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.
0161 274 4499
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday