Just been diagnosed? We're here to help
It may not feel like it right now, but it really is good that you now know that you're living with HIV.
Knowing your HIV status means that you can start treatment which will keep you well and healthy. HIV medication today - which is often one tablet a day for most people - is more effective than it's ever been and will bring the virus under control in a short space of time.
People living with HIV taking effective treatment can expect to live as long as anyone else - and once you've started your treatment and it's working well, you won't be able to pass HIV to anyone else during sex. If you're planning on becoming a parent, being HIV positive doesn't mean that your children will be born with HIV.
It may take some time for the news that you've just been given to sink in - this is perfectly normal. You will have lots of questions you'll want answers to - this is perfectly normal too.
"I felt very lonely when I was first diagnosed; George House Trust allowed me to make friends and meet like-minded people"
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0161 274 4499
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

Learn more about HIV
HIV is a long-term manageable condition which is often misunderstood. Your HIV questions answered.

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