Calabash (African Men)
What is it?
Calabash project is an initiative designed to provide an environment for African men living with HIV to support each other and share experiences and ideas around issues raised by living with HIV.
What can I expect?
Monthly sessions are held where African men benefit from different kinds of support, including HIV-related, interpersonal (physical and psychosocial), economic, learning, and answers to deep-seated questions and burning issues.
Who is it for?
African Men who are living with HIV in Greater Manchester and Liverpool. To attend group support you must already access services at George House Trust. Call us on 0161 274 4499 and a member of the Services team will book an appointment with you to find out what your needs are, and tell you all about the services we offer.
Where is it?
Calabash is hosted in our building; George House Trust, 75-77 Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FX and at various venues in Greater Manchester and Liverpool.
Who do I contact?
To find out more, contact Jeff Ukiri, African Men's Engagement Worker on 01612744499, or email

Get in touch
Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.
Not sure where to start?
Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.
0161 274 4499
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday