Advice & Advocacy
What is it?
George House Trust can offer you one to one advice on matters that may be affecting you right now or which you worry may affect you in the future.
What can I expect?
A Services Adviser can offer you:
- information about all aspects of living with HIV
- specific support and advice around new diagnosis, starting treatment, sharing your status with friends and family, and any other HIV-related issues
- advocacy on your behalf to organisations or employers if you are facing problems because you are HIV positive
- signposting to other organisations or groups that can offer you specific support or information on issues not directly related to HIV
Our team have experience in helping people with
- Knowledge and understanding of HIV
- Emotional wellbeing
- Managing sex and relationships
- Social impact such as housing or financial hardship
- Children
- Self care
- Employment
Who is it for?
Whether you are newly diagnosed, or have been living with HIV for a long time our team can talk to you about your issues, concerns or experiences, and advocate for your needs when you need support.
Where is it?
You can make an appointment to see an adviser at George House Trust, or arrange to talk on the phone. Sometimes we might need you to bring paperwork or send us emails to support you with your query. We will always let you know what you need to prepare before the appointment.
Who do I contact?
Call us on 0161 274 4499 or email if you would like to speak to a member of the Services team about the support we can offer.

Get in touch
Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.
Not sure where to start?
Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.
0161 274 4499
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday