Since 1985, George House Trust has been inspiring people living with HIV to live healthy, confident lives by providing HIV support, advice and advocacy services. 

Our Vision

A world where HIV holds no one back.


Our Purpose

Inspiring people living with HIV to live healthy and confident lives.


Our Values

  • Passionate
  • Inclusive
  • Responsive


Inclusion and Diversity

We aim to create an environment which respects and welcomes everyone, and in which no form of bullying, harassment, victimisation, disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour is tolerated by anyone towards anyone.  This particularly applies in relation to the ‘protected characteristics’ named in the Equality Act 2010: Age, disability, gender reassignment, income, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.


Annual Accounts

Our latest annual accounts for the year ending March 2024. View here: George House Trust Accounts - 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.pdf


Impact Report

Our latest Impact Report is available to view here..


Memorandum and Articles of Association

Our Memorandum and Articles of Association are available to view here George House Trust Memorandum and Articles of Association - 2nd October 2024.pdf


Get in touch

Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.

Not sure where to start?

Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.

0161 274 4499

9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

Your privacy is important to us. To learn more about how we keep your information safe please read privacy policy.