George House Trust works with a range of different partners to deliver our work, below are the active partnerships we're in:

Passionate about Sexual Health [PaSH] Partnership

The Passionate about Sexual Health Partnership (PaSH Partnership) is a collaboration between BHA for Equality, George House Trust, and the LGBT Foundation. The PaSH Partnership delivers a comprehensive programme of interventions to meet the changing needs of people newly diagnosed with HIV, living longer term with HIV or at greatest risk of acquiring HIV. 

Greater Manchester - Home | PaSH

Liverpool - Home - LPaSH  

On It

George House Trust works with We Are Survivors on the 'On It' Project. ‘ON IT’ is a web based source of relevant information about Sex, Chems, HIV and Consent, to inform, educate and to help people stay safe.

Get in touch

Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.

Not sure where to start?

Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.

0161 274 4499

9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

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