Women's History Month - Agatha's Story

The 2023 theme for Women’s History Month is "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories."
George House Trust Positive Speaker and HIV activist Agatha Phiri is sharing her story to inspire others and help break down HIV stigma and discrimination.
I’ve managed to build a home from the bricks that HIV stigma and HIV discrimination threw at me. This home is now a safe space for women living with HIV called Agatha’s Space. I am also a positive speaker for HIV charity George House Trust and help people to understand me and my HIV through my volunteer work.
I have turned into a confident woman who is not scared to take a step to challenge everything about my HIV, my future and my goals.
Living with HIV has made me understand love. After going through lots of rejections and betrayals I now have a handsome, loving man who accepts me with my HIV.
When it comes to HIV, we talk about the negatives a lot – things like stigma, discrimination, betrayal and more. But over time I have learnt to find solace in my strength and solace in the positive things HIV has contributed to my life.
HIV has given me a different meaning in life. It has given me a reason to fight for my rights as a human being and fight for equality.
HIV has given me my dream life because I got tired of fear. I am bold, confident and ambitious. I said NO! to fear.
If you’ve had enough of the negatives HIV can bring, then take a bold step and challenge them.
Fight. Fight, fight and fight until there is nothing left to fight for.
Whilst it’s true that HIV has sometimes given me lemons, I have learnt to turn them into lemonade to protect myself, my mental health and to be an example of how women living with HIV should be loved and treated.
Agatha Phiri 16th March 2023
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