Sex, Chems, HIV and Consent: A New Report From George House Trust and Survivors Manchester

Sex, Chems, HIV and Consent is a groundbreaking report from George House Trust and Survivors Manchester, written by Dr Michael Atkins, AKA Cheddar Gorgeous.
George House Trust and Survivors Manchester are two organisations that see the impact of stigma every single day, whether that's related to HIV or sexual violence and abuse. We're helping people talk, break the silence and think differently about their lives so that they can move on, grow and help others.
Read the report sexchemsconsent_report_january_2023.pdf.
This report is very much a conversation starter and a precursor to more extensive piece of research.
Thank you to the people who shared stories, provided insight and helped shape the report's recommendations which we're committed to taking forward.
If you need any support around chems, sex, HIV and/or consent, you can contact George House Trust using the details below or Survivors Manchester here.
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