40 Years of George House Trust

2025, a year to remember
This year is a big milestone for George House Trust as we mark our 40th year of providing advice, support and information for people living with, and those affected by, HIV.
We have an exciting year of activities and events that will provide space to remember those we’ve lost over the years to HIV, to celebrate the achievements of those involved in the HIV response and to focus on what’s next for HIV and our priorities for the future. We want to be clear, whilst this 40th anniversary is important to us as a charity, it isn’t just about us. For us it’s about every single person who’s been involved, accessed support, volunteered and helped to make life better for people living with HIV.
The symbol for a 40th anniversary is ruby and we’ll be painting everything red this year, so please join us and show your support by wearing your red ribbon whenever and wherever you can.
Our first action in 2025 is the launch of our new website, which has been designed in response to what people living with HIV have asked for. We’ve made information clearer, we’ve provided more space for images and videos that reflect the diversity of people that we support and we’ve provided new information about the services and support that we offer.
Throughout 2025, we’ll be working with our friends at Manchester Archives, who’ll be taking on our vast archive, all amassed over the last 40 years and kindly supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. We’ll also soon be sharing information about our exciting archive exhibition, which will be launched in April 2025.
Ever since we were first established by 6 gay men as Manchester AIDSline in 1985, George House Trust has been committed to ensuring that people living with HIV have the support that they need. We’re looking forward to working with you over the next 12-months, taking the time to reflect on what progress has been made, whilst looking forward to ensuring that we continue working for a world where HIV holds no one back.
Thanks for your support. We really can’t do it without you.
Get in touch
Don't worry or struggle with any aspect of your diagnosis or experience. We're here. You always have someone to talk to.
Not sure where to start?
Give us a call, send us an email, or complete this form.
0161 274 4499
9am - 5pm Monday to Friday